The following Crucible game modes can be active when Iron Banner is available.

  • Zones: Gain 2 points for each zone your team controls at each time interval.
  • Zone Advantage: The state when your team controls 2 zones. Your team gains 4 points at each time interval.
  • Power Play: The state when your team controls all 3 zones. Your team gains 6 points at each time interval.
  • The Hunt: Occurs twice per match. Caiatl sends a high-value zone via Drop Pod. This zone is quick to capture and awards a large number of points over a shorter period of time.
  • Zone Advantage: The state when your team owns 2 zones. Your team gains +2 points for every Guardian you defeat while in this state.
  • Power Play: The state when your team owns all 3 zones. Your team gains +3 points for every Guardian you defeat while in this state.
  • Capture Participant: You gain an additional +1 point for each player that participated in the zone capture.

To win, defeat your opponents, collect their crests, and deposit them at Cabal beacons.

  • Cabal Beacons: Beacons appear at various locations on the map, two at a time. They have limited duration before they switch to another position. Collect crests and deposit them at beacons for points.
  • The Hunt: Activates when a maximum deposit is achieved at a Cabal beacon. This is a limited, special state when Caiatl sends a high-value beacon protected with turrets. The high-value beacon awards a bonus score for each crest deposited.

To win, rack up points by defeating your opponents. You gain more points and a boost of energy at each final blow while on a streak of 2 or more.

  • Streak: The number of opponents you defeat in a single life. Streaks are broken into 2 tiers called Surging and Primed that award you increasingly more points and energy at each final blow. But beware: once you become Primed, you need to keep quickly defeating your opponents or you’ll erupt!
  • The Hunt: This activates for your team when you or your teammate is Primed by reaching a streak of 5 or more. At the start of The Hunt, the whole team gets a boost of energy. It ends when your team has no more players Primed.

Source: Bungie

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